Spot colors are colors not produced from four color process. Spot colors may be selected from any industry color guide like Pantone or Toyo, or Graphic Ink can perform a custom color match to what ever sample or swatch you provide. We have the most skilled color matching personnel in the region, and utilize the most state-of-the-art computer color matching equipment and software.
Pantone Blends: As a Licensee of Pantone®, Graphic Ink stocks a wide range of popular Pantone colors. Any colors not in stock can be prepared in minutes, and in any one of several forms:
- Quickset
- Soy
- Hard Dry
- Heatset
- Duplicator
- Business forms
- Bleedfree
- Low fade
- Opaque
- Dull
- Satin
..and many more.
Custom Blends: Our ink & color lab can match the color of any swatch, object, or substance that you provide, and can do so in any one of several formulations. All custom color matches come with color proofs in triplicate, identified and mounted in an attractive jacket. All or part of any swatch can be coated, varnished, or laminated per your instruction. A standard proof, ink retain, and spectral analysis, is kept on file for future reference.